books, lists are fun, movies, internet ahoy!, maldini issues, hi it's hot, capitalism yay!

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  • Yay, randomness!

    jujubinha Dec 31, 2009 08:36

  • OMG, last day of the year! Where the fuck did 2009 go?

  • In honour to the current discussion regarding the latest events in the Generation Kill fandom (kinda): Ten Words You Need to Stop Misspelling. :)

  • For whatever reason, and unlike what's been happening in the past month, I woke up at 6.30 AM. No idea why, since I'd gone to sleep at 1 AM. ( Read more... )

    hi i'm random, lists are fun, maldini issues, capitalism yay!, music: bonnie 'prince' billy, music for the people,

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  • who would you rather be, the beatles or the rolling stones?

    jujubinha Dec 17, 2009 00:51

    I haven't done much in these last three days, and I love it. I had forgotten how it felt just... not doing anything. And let me tell you, it feels awesome.

    Tomorrow I'm watching Avatar with Tissa, even though I don't really want to watch Avatar, I just want to go to the theatre really bad, and there wasn't a better option. Besides, I'm sure that ( Read more... )

    generic tv babble, lists are fun, maldini issues, capitalism yay!, tv: generation kill

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  • ... into the unmagnificent lives of adults.

    jujubinha Dec 13, 2009 21:15

    That's it. The weekend is finally over for me, and I'm just glad to be alive. Without a brain, but still alive. It was touch and go for a moment there ( Read more... )

    movie: pride & prejudice, books, jane austen is a girly writer, lists are fun, movies, tv: generation kill,

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  • I'm liking this bullets thingy.

    jujubinha Sep 26, 2009 19:26

  • I have nothing to do. Nothing. Noooooooothing.
  • My Winamp and my are behaving like bitches and refuse to cooperate with each other. I'll have to uninstall Winamp and re-install it. Again. Damn.
  • Oh, and my Twitterfox are on drugs too. Fixed it!
  • I've had kind of bank problems and cellphone company problems this week. Oh, well.
  • I have an ( Read more... )

    ugh! argh!, hi i'm random, generic tv babble, lists are fun, internet ahoy!, maldini issues, boredom of doom

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  • In no specific order...

    jujubinha Sep 25, 2009 02:32

    I caught up with TV. Kinda.

    Castle... [201] )

    tv: glee, tv: csi:ny, lists are fun, tv: ncis, generic tv babble, tv: the mentalist, tv: castle, tv: ncis:la

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  • ... but I could kiss ya.

    jujubinha Sep 02, 2009 22:37

  • I didn't go terribly in my test on Sunday, but I also didn't go very well. I'm thinking it's still not this time. Colour me surprised - not.
  • I already miss the Generation Kill Porn Skirmish terribly. Come on! Seven whole weeks of fandom goodness - and damn if the Generation Kill fandom isn't the bestest ever...
  • I'm still listening to Patrick Read more... )

    lists are fun, judge wannabe, site babbling, internet ahoy!, tv: generation kill, test.test.argh.test, music for the people

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  • 'grace is a gift for the fallen, dear.'

    jujubinha Aug 10, 2009 00:36

  • I don't think the internet could be any slower than it was this weekend. Geez;
  • I'm closing my domain in two days; all my brushes have been uploaded to my deviantart account, and there's nothing on my sites anymore. I feel... surprisingly okay;
  • I'm ridiculously late with TV shows, which is pathetic, considering it's vacation time in the show bizz ( Read more... )

    generic tv babble, lists are fun, site babbling, internet ahoy!, tv: generation kill, test.test.argh.test

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  • YBID.

    jujubinha Jul 03, 2009 22:45

    1) Still bored. Also, LJ's kinda dead tonight.
    2) Finally watched the last episode of The Unusuals. I am so not fine with it not being renewed.
    3) I have two more Dreamwidth invite codes - anyone wants them? It's like they reproduce by themselves, IDEK.
    4) I think I'll wait for a little longer before I update my Firefox. I'm bored, but didn't turn ( Read more... )

    tv: the unusuals, lists are fun, internet ahoy!, boredom of doom

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  • *clears throat*

    jujubinha Jun 17, 2009 00:39

  • I missed classes today (well, technically yesterday) because I just didn't wake up. And now I have to watch extra classes to compensate 'em. Fail, universe.
  • Why didn't anybody tell me there's a Starbucks at Botafogo Praia Shopping? Super fail, universe.
  • Just discovered that, as expected, I did terribly at the test I had on Sunday. Also, I'll ( Read more... )

    ugh! argh!, lists are fun, test.test.argh.test, law & course, woes

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